ZEOflair are highly active zeolites adsorbents in powder form for the removal of undesirable odors, flavors and volatile organic component (VOC). ZEOflair are non-toxic, odourless, micro porous, organophilic inorganic, free flowing and thermal stable white powders with a large adsorption capacity for odors and other volatile organic compounds (VOC) including larger molecules.
ZEOflair are used as additives in formulations such as thermoplastics, duroplastics, fibres, films, coatings, lacquers, inks, paints or construction materials used as automotive parts, food and non-food packaging, textiles, building and construction parts and furniture.
ZEOflair can easily incorporated as an additive in powder form or in the form of a masterbatch. The typical amount of ZEOflair in the final product is 0.3% to 0.8% and does not alter physical, chemical and mechanical properties. ZEOflair are non-toxic substances.
ZEOflair can effectively and permanently adsorb a wide range of hydrocarbons, solvents and other toxic and non-toxic substance down to ppm levels. This effect is shown even in the presence of water. The wide range of ZEOflair products offers different adsorption characteristics to hydrophobic respectively hydrophilic odors, flavors or volatile organic components.

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